About us

Codevelo ("coh-dev-loh") was born in 2018 out of a frustrated desire to challenge the way we work together to deliver care and education services across the UK.

We live in a world full of good and progressive ideas, but sometimes those ideas are cast aside because they're "not the way we do things", meaning those good ideas are prevented from becoming great ones. And, why? For so many working together for the same cause or towards a similar goal, it doesn't make much sense, right?

A key focus in our journey is to support and facilitate, individual success. We want success for you and success for us to be celebrated as exactly that - success. We're passionate about our work with organisations to support their staffing teams to deliver the highest levels of care and support possible, delivering individual success for every individual in their care. 

We're a humble collective, offering a variety of services to deliver positive impact, whether that be via targeted improvement work, sounding board advice and discussion, certified training programs or collective networking, we believe that collective minds are better than one - not just for others but for our own wellbeing too.

About, Managing Director

Jack Pattinson

A little about me -

Senior Team Teach Tutor & Provision Development Partner

"As an experienced trainer and development consultant, I am fortunate enough to work in a variety of capacities and "hats" across the education, health and social care, and training industries. As an inquisitive individual, I am keen to understand all kinds of practice, fostering a view of collaboration, and connection to allow me to provide support, challenge and reflection.

It is this genuine interest and commitment that ensures we can offer a unique and invested approach to every project that myself and my team get to support.

I have worked in a variety of service, development, training, and management roles, each offering a unique experience that has challenged me to reflect, learn and progress - and as most practitioners feel working with young people and adults, we should never be stood still. My experience first began in education, volunteering, and becoming a governor of a collection of mainstream and specialist provisions over the years. It was this first exposure into education and care that set my career direction to follow. My interest is also founded in the experience of education that I had personally, working to ensure that such an experience never becomes the norm. Throughout my career, I have worked in support roles, provision operations, training and development work to see provisions improve their offering, and as a trainer offering staff support in understanding challenging behavior, how to ensure settings are practically inclusive for all, and work towards becoming trauma-responsive organisations. 

I really strive to offer dynamic, informed and practical consultancy to organisations and settings of all types. When working together, we focus on utilising shared experiences and cultivating new visions to work together and create effective strategies that support tangible delivery, positive and inclusive change and sustainable growth practices. I am truly a firm believer in positive and collective change. Change can often appear daunting, it is by an openness to new ideas that ultimately enhances the provision we offer, developing more positive outcomes for the individuals we support, and their best interests. Our values of connection, shared practice and access to opportunity are core to my approach in all aspects of life and work."