Behaviour Support Sessions

What does the session entail?

Our bespoke Behaviour Support Sessions are designed to address the areas of concern and ongoing development in your provision. We want to ensure that these sessions provide practical support and consideration to your staffing teams around how to best support the individuals in their care. We know that when working with a variety of individuals, things move quickly - so we want to support staff in driving consistency in their practice, looking at response over reaction, relationship-strengthening tools and ways to positively de-escalate. 

Our facilitators will spend some time getting to know your provision, your teams and the areas you would like some support with to plan a completely unique session to meet the needs of your provision and those you support. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the driving forces behind the behaviours you are seeing
  • Support staff in working together, consistently
  • Consider a variety of tools to support and strengthen ongoing relationships 
  • Consider a variety of tools to aid positive de-escalation 
  • Develop an understanding of the impact of adult reactions in challenging situations

Here's what the headteacher of a Primary School in Havant had to say after our Behaviour Support Session:


Ready to book your session?

We'll deliver a tailored session to the needs of your provision. Get in touch to discuss!



2-3 Hours

Suitable For

INSET Sessions. CPD / Staff Training Sessions. Team Briefings.




A certificate of attendance can be provided if required.

Ready to book a course?

Jack Pattinson, Managing Director of Codevelo | Training & Consultancy, is a licensed Senior Trainer for Team Teach, delivering training across the United Kingdom and Internationally. We welcome direct training enquiries from all counties and authorities and if necessary, we will gladly refer you to your nearest trainer to ensure the support you require is easily accessible.

➡️ For more information, get in touch!